Ziawasch Abedjan

Technische Universität Berlin
Faculty IV - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD)
Data Integration and Data Preparation (D2IP Lab) Group
Office: Room TEL-1109, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, 10587 Berlin
Ziawasch Abedjan

Ziawasch Abedjan is a full professor of computer science and chair of the Data Integration and Data Preparation Group at Technische Universität Berlin and the BIFOLD center of excellence.

Current Projects: TDC2 NFDI4DS

Completed Projects: TDC1


The D2IP Lab (data management for data science laboratory) is a cross-organizational research group uniting the chair for big data engineering at TU Berlin and external members from multiple universities and

PhD students:

PhD Alumnus: Dr. Dr. Larysa Visengeriyeva, Prof. Dr. Mohammadi Mahdavi,

We're looking for motivated PhD, master, and bachelor students to join our team. Our research focuses on building ML systems and tools for simplifying the data science liefecycle – from data integration over model training to deployment and scoring – If you're interested in working with us, please contact me directly.

New Master/Bachelor Theses:
In order to make the process of matching topics to students more scalable, while ensuring a high-quality of supervision, as of Jan 2024, we are introducing the following process:


This publication list covers the time after my PhD and postdoc. For a full list see DBLP and Google Scholar. My ORCID is 0000-0002-2846-1373.


Summer 2024


Memberships and Roles:
  • Advisory Board COMET Know Center Graz
  • Member of ACM and GI
  • L3S member 2020-2024
  • BIFOLD Fellow 2020-2024
  • CIDR ADvisory Board 2019-now
Conference Organization and Editorship:
  • Associate Editor ACM JDIQ
  • Social Media Chair SIGMOD 2025
  • BTW Reproducibility chair 2023/2025
  • Co-Sponsorship Chair ICDE 2023
  • Co-Program Chair LWDA 2022
  • VLDB PhD Workshop co-chair 2020
  • SIGMOD 2019 proceedings chair
  • CIDR 2017 publicity chair, CIDR 2019-2023 website chair
Reviewing: This list summarizes most recent PC memberships:
  • Program Committee SIGMOD 2025, PVLDB 2025
  • Program Committee SIGMOD 2024, PVLDB 2024, QDB@PVLDB 2024, ECML/PKDD, ICDE 2024 (Industrial Track)
  • Program Committee SIGMOD 2023, PVLDB 2023, QDB@PVLDB 2023, CIKM (SPC) 2023
  • Program Committee PVLDB 2022, SIGMOD 2022, KDD 2022, EDBT (SPC) 2022, CIKM (SPC) 2022
  • Program Committee PVLDB 2021, ICDE 2021, KDD 2021, EDBT 2021, CIKM (SPC) 2021, BTW 2021
  • Program Committee SIGMOD 2020, PVLDB 2020, ICDE 2020, CIKM 2020
  • Program Committee SIGMOD 2019 (Demo Track), ICDE 2019, CIDR 2019, CIKM 2019, EDBT 2019, BTW 2019
  • Program Committee SIGMOD 2018, PVLDB 2018, ICDE 2018 (Poster Track)
  • Program Committee EDBT 2017
  • Program Committee SIGMOD 2016 (Demo Track)
Reviewing: This list summarizes most recent Journal review activities:
  • Journal of Data and Information Quality (JDIQ)
  • Information Systems Journal (IS)
  • ACM Transactions on the Web (ToTW)
  • ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery in Data (TKDD)
  • IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)
  • VLDB Journal (VLDBJ)
  • Communications of the ACM (CACM)
  • Datenbankspektrum

PhD Committee Memberships (completed):


  • First Prize of the GI Data Science Challenges, BTW 2023, with Dakai Men, Jannis Becktepe, Mahdi Esmailoghli and David Bermbach
  • SIGMOD 2019 Reproducibility Award for "Raha: A Configuration-free Error Detection System", with Mohammad Mahdavi, Ziawasch Abedjan, Raul C-Fernandez, Sam Madden, Mourad Ouzzani, Michael Stonebraker, Nan Tang
  • GI Juniorfellow 2019
  • First Prize of the GI Data Science Challenges, BTW 2019, "Explanation of Air Pollution Using External Data Sources." with Mahdi Esmailoghli, Sergey Redyuk, Ricardo Martinez, Ariane Ziehn, Ziawasch Abedjan, Tilmann Rabl, Volker Markl
  • Best Demo Award, SIGMOD 2015:"DataXFormer:An Interactive Data Transformation Tool" with John Morcos, Ihab Ilyas, Mourad Ouzzani, Paolo Papotti, and Michael Stonebraker
  • Best Dissertation Award 2013/2014, University of Potsdam, Germany (Preis der Universitaetsgesellschaft Potsdam e.V.)
  • Best Student Paper Award, CIKM 2014: "DFD: Efficient Discovery of Functional Dependencies" with Patrick Schulze and Felix Naumann
  • Best Workshop Paper Award, Know@LOD 2014: "Amending RDF Entities with new Facts", with Felix Naumann
  • Scholarship of the HPI Research School


Our research group is grateful for funding support from